Heart Physics® offers today’s Christian the most comprehensive tool-set for transforming your heart according to God’s Word -and this is the key to transforming your life! Discover today what Heart Physics® is all about and begin your journey to a new heart, and a new YOU!
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Essential Heart Physics is a thirty day module that takes the participant through a progressive cognitive and internal (subconscious) realization of Christ in them. In nearly all cases, by the end of the thirty days the heart becomes persuaded of this reality and is able to experience Christ as an ever-present reality. During this module you will have a daily teaching, journaling exercise, and daily meditation.
Week 1: Biblical Meditation - Experiencing My Secret Place
Week 1: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 1: Day 2 Tuesday
Day 2: Finding the Secret Place
Week 1: An Introduction to Biblical Meditation
Week 1: Biblical Meditation - Experiencing My Secret Place
Week 1: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 1: Day 3 Wednesday
Day 3: Making It Work
Week 1: Biblical Meditation - Experiencing My Secret Place
Week 1: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 1: Day 4 Thursday
Day 4: Declaring the End from the Beginning
Week 1: Biblical Meditation - Experiencing My Secret Place
Week 1: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 1: Day 5 Friday
Day 5: Experiencing Power
Week 1: Biblical Meditation - Experiencing My Secret Place
Week 1: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 1: Weekend
Week 1: HeartWorkStrategies for a Better Tomorrow
Week 2: Day 1 Monday
Day 1: Acknowledging the Truth
Week 2: Meditation Introduction
Week 2: Biblical Meditation - The Power of His Presence
Week 2: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 2: Day 2 Tuesday
Day 2: Get The Picture
Week 2: Meditation Introduction
Week 2 Biblical Meditation - The Power of His Presence
Week 2: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 2: Day 3 Wednesday
Day 3: The Way of Change
Week 2: Biblical Meditation - The Power of His Presence
Week 2: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 2: Day 4 Thursday
Day 4: Experience the Love
Week 2 Biblical Meditation - The Power of His Presence
Week 2: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 2: Day 5 Friday
Day 5: Get The Feeling
Week 2 Biblical Meditation - The Power of His Presence
Week 2: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 2 : Weekend
Week 2: HeartWorkStrategies for a Better Tomorrow
Week 3: Day 1 Monday
Day 1: Life Without Limits
Week 3 Biblical Meditation - Resurrection Power
Week 3: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 3: Day 2 Tuesday
Day 2: Believing in Your Heart
Week 3 Biblical Meditation - Resurrection Power
Week 3: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 3: Day 3 Wednesday
Day 3: Conquering Normal
Week 3 Biblical Meditation - Resurrection Power
Week 3: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 3: Day 4 Thursday
Day 4: Harmonizing
Week 3 Biblical Meditation - Resurrection Power
Week 3: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 3: Day 5 Friday
Day 5: Persuading Your Heart
Week 3 Biblical Meditation - Resurrection Power
Week 3: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 3: Weekend
Week 3: HeartWorkStrategies for a Better Tomorrow
Week 4: Day 1 Monday
Day 1: Connecting to the Creator
Week 4 Biblical Meditation - Choosing My Future
Week 4: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 4: Day 2 Tuesday
Day 2: The Opposing Force
Week 4 Biblical Meditation - Choosing My Future
Week 4: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 4: Day 3 Wednesday
Day 3: The Voice of the Conscience
Biblical Meditation - Choosing My Future
Week 2: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 4: Day 4 Thursday
Day 4: Quantum Transformation
Week 4 Biblical Meditation - Choosing My Future
Week 4: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 4: Day 5 Friday
Day 5: Moving the Mountain
Week 4 Biblical Meditation - Choosing My Future
Week 4: Daily Journal Questions
Daily HeartMonitor Reminder
Week 4: End
Send Us Your Testimony!
Tell us about your Heart Physics Experience!
What is the heart?
The heart is the real you. It the place where your spirit and soul come together, combining the input you receive from the outer world and the input you receive from the inner world to create you beliefs. The heart is the only place where God promises to meet with us through the Holy Spirit to teach us, guide us, comfort us, and express His power (grace) in our lives.
Why is meditation important?
Meditation is the process whereby the information in our mind becomes a reality in our heart. Information does not change our life until it is in our heart!
If I invest in Heart Physics®, what is it going to do for me?
You will get exactly what we tell you, if you apply yourself and follow the instructions and engage your heart. The question is not, “Is Heart Physics worth what it costs?” The question is, “Is having an abiding sense of Christ in you is worth the time and expense?”
I’m afraid to do the meditation, isn’t it the same as hypnosis?
While there are many similarities between meditation and hypnosis, there are also many differences. The primary difference is in biblically-based meditation, you are choosing to make your focus and experience something that is Christ centered.
Meditation is where you think about, ponder, reflect or imagine something until you experience as being real in the present. This is exactly what Kenneth Hagin and all the faith teachers described when talking about working faith. You have to believe you have it now! That happens because you experience as being your in the present instead of looking to some time in the future.
Is this New Age?
No! New Age is generalization of an accumulation of different teachings, many are from the Bible many are not. In the end, all religions and philosophies use many of the same tools. The difference is what do we use them for? Satanists quote the Bible but that doesn’t make the Bible of the devil. Meditation is in the Bible, Hinduism, Buddhism and all major religions. But that doesn’t make meditation of the devil. We are looking to, listening for and communicating with God the Father through the Lord Jesus. The intention of the heart is what makes this or anything else good or evil.
5 star rating
A new heart being created
Mary Taylor
Going through this program will change your life for the better. I was not aware of the stress I had in my life. Reducing stress and building my relationship...
Going through this program will change your life for the better. I was not aware of the stress I had in my life. Reducing stress and building my relationship with Jesus is just a couple of benefits from this program.
The faith to trust The Holy Spirit to lead me in my daily walk has brought me to a place of new found peace as I embrace the exercises in this course. Despit...
The faith to trust The Holy Spirit to lead me in my daily walk has brought me to a place of new found peace as I embrace the exercises in this course. Despite the challenge of my daily work, I sense a peace never present before. The Shalom of God is becoming a reality to me minute by minute. Thank you for The Wisdom of God contained in this program. Hashim Mustafa
Dr. Jim Richards combines spirituality, energy medicine, scientific concepts and human intuition into a philosophical approach that aligns spirit, soul and body, resulting in incredible health, emotional, financial and spiritual breakthroughs. Jim is a life coach, consultant, teacher and motivational trainer. He holds doctorates in Theology, Alternative Medicine and Human Behaviour. Dr. Richards is an entrepreneur who has built several successful businesses ranging from contracting to real estate to marketing. As a national best-selling author, Dr. Richards has written several books that have sold several million copies around the world.